The Entrepreneur-in-residence program is aimed at inspiring the best talents to be entrepreneurs, minimize the risk involved in pursuing start-ups, and partially set off the opportunity costs of high-paying jobs.
CPS-EIR is aimed at inspiring the best talents to be entrepreneurs, minimize the risk involved in pursuing start-ups, and partially set off the opportunity costs of high-paying jobs. EIR support recipients are expected to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations full-time. The maximum duration of the program is one year, during which monthly financial support is up to Rs. 30,000 for a period of 12 months will be provided to the recipient, along with access to IIT Mandi’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. The EIR program provides opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs to expand their networks and get critical feedback on their ventures in order to promote their entrepreneurial career goals and aspirations.
To create, nurture and strengthen a pipeline of entrepreneurs by encouraging and supporting young and experienced individuals aspiring to become entrepreneurs.
To minimize the risk involved in entrepreneurship and set off opportunity costs for aspiring entrepreneurs.
To make technology-based entrepreneurship a more attractive career option.